Foot Detox
Relax while you detoxify with our Ionic foot bath.
While you enjoy a soothing, warm foot bath, our IonizeMe system creates negatively-charged ions, allowing them to enter through the pores in your feet. As your lymphatic & circulatory systems transport them through your body, the ions neutralize the oppositely-charged toxins that are normally slow to exit the body. Your body can then better dispose of these neutralized toxins, free radicals, & heavy metals through your normal elimination channels.
User reported benefits have included decreased pain, increased energy, improved sleep, better digestion, reduced inflammation, improved circulation, weight loss, better skin, mood improvements, and more! For more information on the IonizeMe ionic detox foot bath, call us or read more here.
Single Session
30 minutes (individual) / $35
30 minutes (couple) / $60
Save $5 when you add-on to a massage or sauna session! -
10 Session Package
30 minutes / $250 (a $50 savings)